RLB Migration to ETH 💱

$RLB (Rollbit Coin) has migrated to Ethereum (ETH), find out more below.
Migrating RLB to Ethereum has long been the most requested upgrade we make to RLB. We felt that being on Solana restricted RLB's growth and therefore are happy to announce that we're migrating RLB to the Ethereum network!
RLB was introduced as another reward mechanism for our users. Since RLB's inception, RLB has grown in ways that far exceeded our expectations. It's been a real pleasure to join everyone within the RLB ecosystem and witness it's growth.
We have no intentions to stop catering to RLB's growth. The upgrade today is a testament to this, in addition to other recent changes such as introducing RLB trading directly on Rollbit.com!
In this post we announce and detail the most anticipated upgrade to RLB, migration to the Ethereum network!
How to migrate RLB to the Ethereum network
If you have RLB on the Solana network, please read on to learn how to migrate your RLB to the Ethereum network. The process is easy!
- Login/register your Rollbit account.
- Deposit your RLB to Rollbit.
- Hold your RLB on Rollbit or withdraw to the Ethereum network.
Please note that once you have deposited RLB from the Solana network it is only possible to withdraw RLB via the Ethereum network.
The only way to migrate RLB to the Ethereum network is via Rollbit.com. Anything else should be considered fraudulent, stay safe out there!
RLB Timeline
RLB has been an exciting token to follow since it's inception.
Here's a summary of RLB's history over the years:
- RLB was born: 10th November 2021
- RLB deposit & wager bonuses: 10th November 2021

- RLB staking prize pool begins to grow: 10th November 2021
- RLB Lottery introduction: 26th November 2021
- RLB Lottery jackpot reaches $350,000: 26th November 2021
- RLB rewards claiming bonus: 26th November 2021

- First RLB Lottery drawing: 27th November 2021
- RLB deposits & withdrawals: 27th November 2021
- RLB whitepaper: 27th November 2021
- RLB airdrops beging: 1st December 2021
- Christmas giveaway starts with RLB prizes: 1st December 2021
- RLB Lottery Jackpot reaches $500k: 1st December 2021
- Introduced popular suggestions for RLB Lottery: 7th December 2021
- RLB Lottery surpasses 750 unique winners: 7th December 2021
- New RLB deposit bonus introduced: 12th December 2021
- NFT deposit bonuses introduced (up to 100k RLB): 17th December 2021
- NFT VIP passes introduced (up to 750k RLB): 24th December 2021
- Santa RLB bonus (70,000,000 RLB distributed): 25th December 2021
- 50% of RLB Lottery fee now given to Rollbot stakers: 25th December 2021
- Introduction of RLB Lottery multipliers: 29th December 2021
- RLB Lottery Teams launched: 5th January 2022
- RLB Lottery Jackpot exceeds $1,000,000: 5th January 2022
- Introduced community changes for RLB Lottery Teams: 8th January 2022
- 1st RLB burn (210MM+ RLB): 26th January 2022
- RLB on-chain airdrops (80k+ SOL addresses): 1st February 2022
- RLB Lottery has $94k winner: 7th February 2022
- RLB introduced as 'booby prize' for NFT Lootboxes: 21st February 2022
- 10MM airdrop for winner of 1/1 Ukrainian Sportsbot: 16th March 2022
- RLB tracked listing on CoinMarketCap: 24th March 2022
- 500MM airdrop for Sports Rollbots holders: 31st March 2022

- RLB Lottery has $154k winner: 11th April 2022
- 2nd RLB burn (434MM+ RLB): 17th May 2022
- 3rd RLB burn (1.056bln+ RLB): 27th January 2023
- RLB Lottery has $311k winner: 25th March 2023
- RLB trading introduced on Rollbit.com: 17th May 2023
- RLB liquidity pools introduced: 19th May 2023
- 4th RLB burn (72MM+ RLB): 25th June 2023
- $15MM+ in RLB Lottery prizes: 28th June 2023
- RLB migrates to Ethereum: 28th June 2023
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: I have RLB on Rollbit, do I have to do anything?
A: No. Balances on Rollbit are unaffected and can be withdrawn at any time via the Ethereum network.
Q: How long does Rollbit intend to support RLB deposits over the Solana network?
A: The cutoff point for migrating SOL RLB is May 1st, 2024. Please migrate all SOL RLB before this time.
Q: I want to withdraw RLB via the Solana network, is this possible?
A: No. RLB has migrated to Ethereum, so RLB withdrawals are only available via the Ethereum network.
Q: If I buy RLB on Rollbit, do I need to do anything?
A: No. If you buy or sell RLB on Rollbit there's no changes required. The RLB will be withdrawable via the Ethereum network.
Q: If I want to store my RLB off-site, does Rollbit recommend a wallet?
A: You will be able to store and trade RLB via an Ethereum wallet such as MetaMask. To display RLB within a MetaMask wallet, please consult the following guide.
Q: What is the token address for RLB on Ethereum?
A: The token address is: 0x046eee2cc3188071c02bfc1745a6b17c656e3f3d. Check it out on Etherscan.io.
Q: I'm restricted from Rollbit.com, how can I migrate my RLB?
A: Please contact our support via 24/7 live chat or email: support@rollbit.com